Saturday, April 5, 2014

It's been a long time, but today is a new beginning...

Day 1 of Plexus Slim - 4/5/2014
Weight:  183.6
FBS:  197 :(
Chest :
Thigh (L):
Arms (L):
Today I begin my Plexus Slim journey.  I’m excited, yet very nervous.  How many times have I tried this type of thing only to fall flat on my face with products that promise the world, yet do nothing for me.  Plexus Slim recommends you acknowledge all your problems.  Mine are lengthy.  Besides my out-of-control blood sugar and taking insulin and Byetta (which really scares me all by itself), I have aches and pains everywhere, my back, my shoulders, my hands, my feet (all those pins and needles and burning and sharp-shooting pains from diabetic neuropathy), mood swings, depression, tired all the time (even when I get a good night’s sleep).  I am looking toward the future with a cautious hope that this will be the product that actually works.   What am I looking forward to?  Weight loss, blood sugar control, healthier, decrease or off meds, being able to move without hurting, just feeling better in general!  If this works, I will be looking to become an ambassador. 

Saturday, September 26, 2009

This is at the beginning of the show before they ever start marching. Shelby is in the end zone. Picture was taken with my camera phone and she was a long ways away. She laughed because we finally got her in a picture. We usually get everyone but her. :-)

Been away way too long!

Well, I've again let life get in the way of my goals and failed miserably at trying to lose weight on my own. In fact, I've gained back all that I lost. I've now gone back to WW and hope I have finally gotten it in my head that this is for life! No matter what goes on in my life, this is the one thing I must do for me! I have to remember that I am important to those who love me and if I don't lose this weight, I'm not going to be around for them.

So, here I start again! This will be the last time that I have to start again because this is for life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Life is out of control

Well, here I am, starting over again. My life is so out of control. Five weeks ago, I was swamped with work, no time for anything, but work and a little sleep. The following two weekends I was out of town and couldn't go to my meetings and WI, then I get back and between work and just not having the guts to go, I still didn't go to my meeting. On top of all that, my sister, who is 17 years younger than me, went to the emergency room last Saturday evening and went into respiratory failure and was put on a ventilator. For five days they had to keep her sedated to the point of being unresponsive. She is now more alert and responsive, but still on the ventilator. Yesterday, they performed a tracheostomy and when they find a bed, they will be moving her to a long-term facility (for only 30 to 60 days hopefully) to wean her off the ventilator and get her up and moving again. Of course, all through this, what have I been doing? Eating!

I am just so frustrated with myself. It's so easy to say I'm not going to stress eat, but so difficult to do. When does your mind set change? When do you stop reaching for food because you're upset? Is there an "aha" moment that it finally sinks in that that's not going to help, it's only going to hurt? I'm still so stressed, but I've got to get this weight off of me. I feel like I have to start all over again and I'm terrified to weigh, but I know I've got to do it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I've gained it all back. I will be going to my meeting on Saturday, though. I rode my stationary bike for 20 minutes so far today. I am journaling again. I'm drinking my water again. So, at this moment in time, I'm back OP. I've just got to keep myself that way!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well, I went for my WI yesterday and found I had gained 1.4 lbs. I thought about how I handled the gain. Well, I am now more determined. I know part of the problem was TOM is visiting. We also went out to eat Friday night and at one point I found myself mindlessly eating those great tortilla chips and salsa Mexican food restaurants put on the table. After thinking, what the heck am I doing, I had my husband move them far away from me. But can you say salt??? So, with that and TOM, I was feeling rather bloated.

I started the week out well exercising, but by the end of the week it had fallen off. I got busy with work and said to myself that I just didn't have the time. If ever there was a WW meeting topic that was timely, it was this week's. We basically talked about how important it is to take care of yourself. I got to thinking, you know, I can find time to watch plenty of television, why can't I find the time to actually walk or workout? Well, today, I did it. I walked for an hour and ten minutes.

It was kind of funny, too. When I first started walking, I took the dogs. We really need to teach Ricky the appropriate way to walk with someone. He's all over the place, marking every tree, bush, leave, whatever, trying to chase squirrels, birds, other dogs, all the while pulling me and Poochie behind him. I have to say, though, he also gives my arms a workout, which is probably a great thing. Anyway, I had only made it about 1/2 a block and my back was really hurting. I thought, oh, no, I have another excuse for not walking. Then I decided, you know what, I'm going to work through the pain. Before long, I'm not sure when it happened, I no longer felt the back pain. Actually, I didn't realize it wasn't hurting anymore until after I got home from my over two-mile walk. I was amazed!

So, that's one day down.......

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sorry I haven't been here...

Wow! I can't believe it's been about two weeks since my last blog. Needless to say, I've been having a really tough time. I lose battles, but I am determined to win the war!

This last couple of weeks, I've been kind of down in the dumps. Not really depressed, just not very happy. I find that when I get in that kind of mood, I don't eat right and end up making bad choices. Last week was a disaster and I ended up gaining a pound. I didn't go to my WW meeting because I got swamped with work, everybody needing everything back now! I was staying up way too late working, struggling to keep my eyes open, so what did I do? I went to find something to eat. Really, bad idea. I had a hard time through the first three days of the week, but then refound my focus and stayed OP the rest of the week.

I went to WI this morning fully expecting another gain, but I must have done something right, because I lost 4.8 lbs (makes up for that pound last week). I was very excited. This puts my total weight loss at 25.4 lbs since January. I've thought about it and why maybe I lost. I'm thinking that maybe because I didn't totally beat myself up when I made the wrong choices, looked at as just a bump in the road, it helped me not feel like a failure and I was able to get back OP.

My goal this week is to remain OP all week and stay that way. Also, to get back to exercising! I did well for a while, but now have fallen woefully short in that category. This will work, I just have to work it.

Friday, February 27, 2009

This has been a really rough week!

This has been a really rough week for me. I've been so not OP except a few days. I've tried and tried and would get determined only to eat things that I knew I shouldn't be eating! It's been really hard, but I cannot let it get myself down. I need to go weigh tomorrow and suffer the scale truth and know that the only way I can respond is get myself back OP and get myself up and moving. I will not fail! I will not quit! This is a lifestyle change, not a do it for a little while, then go back to what I was doing before! I am not perfect and will have imperfect days and even weeks, but quitting is not an option. I will do this! I know I can do this with the help of my new friends on the WW boards, the 2009 WLC, and the Fabulous Fit Club.

I also need to make sure and stay on the computer visiting other blogs, the WW boards, the Fabulous Fit Club and working to help other people. I find that when I do that, then it helps me stay OP. We can all do this, and we will!

About Me

My photo
Texas, United States
I've been married to Dave since February of '88. Between us we have four children, two DD and two DS. I live in a suburb of nice, hot, sunny, humid Houston.