This has been a really rough week for me. I've been so not OP except a few days. I've tried and tried and would get determined only to eat things that I knew I shouldn't be eating! It's been really hard, but I cannot let it get myself down. I need to go weigh tomorrow and suffer the scale truth and know that the only way I can respond is get myself back OP and get myself up and moving. I will not fail! I will not quit! This is a lifestyle change, not a do it for a little while, then go back to what I was doing before! I am not perfect and will have imperfect days and even weeks, but quitting is not an option. I will do this! I know I can do this with the help of my new friends on the WW boards, the 2009 WLC, and the Fabulous Fit Club.
I also need to make sure and stay on the computer visiting other blogs, the WW boards, the Fabulous Fit Club and working to help other people. I find that when I do that, then it helps me stay OP. We can all do this, and we will!
Some weeks are so hard! Heck, some days are so hard! Just keep on tryin. You are right, WE can do this!