Saturday, February 14, 2009

Today's WI

Today was my WI day and I had a nice Valentine's day present. I had lost 2.8 lbs and received my 5% star. I was so excited. Now, onwards and downwards to lose 25 lbs. I'm only 7 pounds away from that goal, so I'll be working hard to get there. I definitely need to get back in to the swing of the exercise thing. I get bored so easily and even though I know it helps tremendously, I quit. I need to start using a little variety, maybe walk one day, use the recumbent bike the next, a DVD workout, etc. Maybe if I start doing it that way, I'll be less hit and miss and more go, go, go.

Hope everyone has a very happy Valentine's day!


  1. Wow, congratulations on the big loss!!! You are doing so well!!!

  2. Great job on the loss!

    Set yourself a goal that you will exercise for a whole week so many times. After that week, set another goal. Pretty soon it might become habit. It has for me!


About Me

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Texas, United States
I've been married to Dave since February of '88. Between us we have four children, two DD and two DS. I live in a suburb of nice, hot, sunny, humid Houston.