Friday, January 16, 2009

Two days in a row -- just ain't happening!

Mexican food -- big downfall for me!!

My DD has been doing finals this week and got out of school at 11:30. Tuesday, she texts me and says, hey, mom, can we go to Subway. I'm figuring, Subway, sure that can be done. So, we sent and I got a 6" Subway club on wheat, no cheese, no mayo for 5 points, I think it was. No problem!!

Yesterday, she calls me and wants Taco Cabana (my favorite fast-food Tex-Mex food). I told her she was being cruel, she apologized and said she was just so hungry for it. I then agreed. After I hung up, I got on the internet and was trying to figure out the points for tacos, refried beans, rice, etc. Then a strange thing happened, between the time of doing that and actually picking my DD up from school, I decided I didn't really want to eat the fat in the tacos, etc. I took her there, went through the drive-thru, got her what she wanted and what my two DSs wanted and my mom, but didn't pick a thing up for me. When I got home, I ate a piece of grilled chicken, some green beans, and an apple. Wow! It felt so good to be in control and not give in to temptation.

Today, my husband decides we're going out to eat tonight and going to San Lorenzo's (my favorite restaurant Tex-Mex food). Well, I knew I couldn't resist again, so I made sure I had plenty of points for dinner. When we got there, I didn't eat one chip (you know, those endless baskets of chips and salsa you get), not one!! Usually when we go to San Lorenzo's, I get two beef burritos, a taco, and a side order of refried beans and rice. I'm terrified to figure the points on that little meal! Tonight, I ordered 2 tacos (10.5 points), 1/2 cup refried beans (3 points), and 3/4 cups rice (3.5 points). I know this wasn't the greatest choices or healthiest choices, but I knew I would feel deprived if I didn't eat what I wanted. I did remain within my points for the day, and I'm now satisfied where Mexican food is concerned -- at least for another week!

So, even though the choices weren't the healthiest, maybe it wasn't such a big downfall, maybe it just helped me realize that I can eat out once in a while without totally going off the program. I guess we'll see for sure tomorrow when I weigh in. I know this has to be a lifestyle change and never going out to eat is unrealistic, so I have to figure out how to do it and remain OP.

This is a start!


  1. What an awesome show of staying OP! Mexican is my favorite also. I love that you found you can still have your treat and stay OP. That's what WW is all about!!! Great job!

  2. If I can get by the chips, I can usually do pretty well. Our favorite restaurant has a Cozumel salad with shrimp and avocados on a bed of lettuce and I put salsa on it. They also have a great chicken and rice soup.


About Me

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Texas, United States
I've been married to Dave since February of '88. Between us we have four children, two DD and two DS. I live in a suburb of nice, hot, sunny, humid Houston.