Saturday, January 17, 2009

Weigh-In Today

Today was weigh in time again and I was just a tad bit worried about eating out last night. I usually try to save eating out for after weighing in so I have a little time to work if off if I need to. I was really happy, though, since I lost 4.4 lbs. That makes a total of 9.6 pounds in two weeks. I'm so excited that this time I'm going to make it work! I am more determined this time than I've ever been, and this time I'll stick with it until the end.

1 comment:

  1. Yay you!!! You can do this and you're off to a running start. It's not easy for sure. Giving you big claps and doing the happy dance for you!


About Me

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Texas, United States
I've been married to Dave since February of '88. Between us we have four children, two DD and two DS. I live in a suburb of nice, hot, sunny, humid Houston.